Georgia and South Carolina training information
My daily training schedule week is Monday thru Saturday. Every one needs a rest day and mine is Sunday. However I do work around clients schedules. So if we need a make up day it would be Sunday. My hours for training are basically 6:30am thru 8:30pm.
Due to the fact I do Inhome training in GA and in SC. I do have to alternate my training time.
Training days are as follows:
GREENVILLE, SC: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
AUGUSTA,GA and Surrounding Areas Tuesday, Thursday , and Saturday
Sunday are make up days for anyone who needs to reschedule from missed training day earlier in the week.
I build training regimens and diets customized to fit your lifestyle.
Also, easy to payment plans for those who feel they can not truly afford a personal trainer, contest coach , or diet.
Now every one needs to know first and far most my training is intense. Its designed to fit each individuals needs and
goals to achieve the greatest personal results. So by understaing this each individual gets a personalized diet with their
training sessions from me. This is the only way to achieve the best results. I always say you can train like a horse but if you
do not eat properly you can not get the results you want .
Things you need to know upon meeting me for a consultation:
This is where I come to meet the client or the client comes to meet me. We sit and discuss your current
eatting habits, and what goals you are looking to achieve. I will also then discuss a few things you can do
should you choose not to use me . But, I will not give you a diet plan. However if you should choose to
use me . Then we will continue with the BMI check, your current measurements and I will give you 1 free
training session, and we will discuss your diet and I will send it to you via email later in the evening in the
next couple of days of our meeting.
Diets and Regimens only no Personal Training needed:
Some people would much rather just buy a diet or a regimen and train on their own. Thats totally okay with me.
However if you seek my service I will more than happy to customize you a diet or a workout regimen for you to
follow that will get you results.
Diets start at: $225.00
Regimens start at: $400.00
Contest Prep rates are based on a 8,12,16,24 week bases. Depending on how long your prep that depends on your rate.
If you need my help with personal training, posing, tanning, and being at the show. Please know this will increase your rate.
All clients are required to get 10 Training Sessions and pay at least 200.00 up front you can break up the rest of the payment as long as its paid before your 10 sessions are up.
Do not forget I can train you at my facility or at your own home. I try to avoid commercial gyms. As it does causte an issue with gym policies, other personal trainers, subcontracted personal teams, and gym owners.
But, if you need me to come to your gym I will. We will just have to figure out membership fees and etc.