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Things to know about LMHealth Consultants

   Please know that I do look forward to helping you meet all your diet and fitness needs.  I know all clients have different needs and wants as far as results are concerned. I do take these things into high consideration, I also know everybody type is different. So thats why personal consultations are a must with me.


  Consultations are required and the starting cost of a consultation is 175.00 . In this consultation I will meet with you discuss your goals for your success. We will also do your weight, bodyfat check, and measurements and I will give you 1 free personal training session on me. Just so you can see my craft. So you really are getting alot out  upon our first meeting.


As stated before In home training or studio training. I do not personally care for gym training, but if thats where the clients prefers to train. I will accomadate this to meet your needs !

Contact Me

Tel: 706-903-7040
Fax: 706-426-6930

Diet and Nutrition
 Personal Training
Contest Preparation
Welcome to LMHealth Consulting
     I am Lissa Middleton. I am a Certified Personal Trainer and Massage therapist. I have been in the fitness industry for over 15 yrs, and I am a
National Level Female Bodybuilder. I have competed in several shows on the east coast and Nationally. I am certified thru ISSA,NESTA, ASCM, and AMTC.
 I choose the fitness industry and becoming certified, because I have seen how people go to gyms seeking help. And, they are to afraid ask. In some cases the fees for trainers are just too high. So being that I love to help people and I have the knowledge of doing so.Thats
why I decided to become a  personal trainer. I love the fact that I can help 
people get results and understand their body types. 
   Also, while knowing that with hard work and the right eatting methods.
 They can achieve all the best results to look their very 
 best. So read thru my site and see if I am the right 
 trainer or therapist for you . I live by one motto 1 Trainer 1 Client
1 Plan 1 Goal 4 U!!!!
      I do look forward to speaking and working
 with you soon!!!
 Lissa Middleton
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